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Kite Tutorials

Just starting out or looking to enhance your existing skills? There are a large variety of video tutorials available on the web covering both dual and quad line kite flying - we've assembled some of those resources for your convenience below.

KiteLife.com (click here)

One of the largest kite websites in the world, KiteLife hosts a huge variety of out of print publications, online articles, picture-in-picture video tutorials and a community forum - while most of their content is free to access, they also offer special subscriber program which provides access to HD video downloads and regular prize drawings.

Tutorial Examples:


 Prism Kite Technology Tutorials:

Freestyle Tutorials


Prism Assembly and Care


Randy Greenway (click here)

One of the most popular tutorial series online, Randy's videos focus exclusively on "slack line", "freestyle" or trick flying on dual line stunt kites using a step by step slow motion breakdown.

Tutorial Examples:



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